Essensual Movement & Expression

Welcome home to the wisdom of your body & sensual innocence.

A deeply transformative in-person exploration that will support you in finding  your embodied sensuality.

When I was a kid, something happened to me that would change the way I would express joy through my body up until womanhood & motherhood. This transformative experience led me on a path to uncovering the deep connection between movement, sensuality, and self-expression.

Essensual Movement & Expression is an invitation to step into your fullest, most juicy self. This practice is designed to help you break through barriers, heal old wounds, and reclaim the parts of you that are yearning to be seen and felt. Through guided movement and expressive practices, you’ll learn to move with confidence, grace, and a deep sense of embodied pleasure.

In this sacred, shielded, and private space, we come together to:

Reconnect with Our Bodies

Experience the joy of movement that comes from a place of deep listening and self-love.

Express Our Truth

Use movement as a powerful tool to express your unique story and emotions.

Heal & Transform

Release old patterns and embrace new ways of being that support your overall well-being.

Celebrate Sensuality

Honor your sensual self in a safe, supportive environment where every part of you is welcome.

While the next date and location for this course are yet to be announced, you can still embark on this transformative journey. Subscribe to our mailing list to be the first to receive updates on upcoming sessions, exclusive offers, and more.

Join us in a space where you’ll be encouraged to prioritize your own juiciness as an act of love from you, to you & share that gift in a way that feels safe, reverent & uplifting.

Fill out your details below and I will keep you updated on more details on how you can join the next Essensual Movement & Expression course.


refers to Sensual pleasure as a source of vitality & joy which is essential for our personal
nourishment & well-being as women & vulva owners.
The demands of the world can be a very heavy burden to carry on our shoulders as we are
expected to be in full-time servitude to others (family, work, home etc…) and little time is left
for prioritising our own needs & desires.

A deeply transformative 6 week in-person exploration for woman & vulva owners that will support you in finding your way home to your embodied sensuality.


A six week experience, for women & vulva owners, dedicated to the exploration of the THE ESSENTIAL SENSUAL through movement & expression.

An opportunity to prioritise your own well-being- as an act of love from you, to you. An opportunity to give your self that much-needed self love & attention.

After all, no one can love you the way you want to be loved, other than YOU!

Held in a circle of other women & vulva owners, you will realise that your burdens are not yours alone & that your gifts are a blessing to be revealed & shared with others.

Principles of creative & authentic movement will be combined together with practices of Somatic Sexology & safe space is intended to be created for you to explore, play, open, get vulnerable and be fully seen in your sensual essence.

Essensual Movement & Expression offers you a supportive group space, guiding you to explore and express your inherent sensuality. In this nurturing environment, your journey into self-discovery and sensual expression is not only encouraged but also celebrated.

I’ll show you how to own your unique sensual expression and build the confidence to share it with whoever you want to.


I believe that we do not prioritize enough making space to get to know our own unique sensual expression. Most of the time it’s repressed, we feel ashamed & it’s actually where our unique POWER resides. I am creating this space where we will gather to express different aspects of our sensual being, to share and learn together, as individuals and as a community.


Through merging together the tools and experince gathered by having taught dance and movement for 20 years, as well as studying somatic sexology and mentoring individuals and couples.
These tools include African dance, creative movement, breathwork, sound exploration, consent and boundaries, touch, just to name a few.


I believe that we do not prioritize enough making space to get to know our own unique sensual expression. Most of the time it’s repressed, we feel ashamed & it’s actually where our unique POWER resides. I am creating this space where we will gather to express different aspects of our sensual being, to share and learn together, as individuals and as a community.


Through merging together the tools and experince gathered by having taught dance and movement for 20 years, as well as studying somatic sexology and mentoring individuals and couples.
These tools include African dance, creative movement, breathwork, sound exploration, consent and boundaries, touch, just to name a few.

What other people say…


Read into the experiences of some of the beautiful women who have danced and expressed themselves. 

I have never been in an experience like what Arantxa is creating. It´s like everything I ever wanted and never knew I did. 

Everything is an invitation, nothing forced. The practices are innovative & touch on different things within us. 

The camaraderie amongst women happens in such a big way in only 6 weeks!

I just finished my 2nd and cannot imagine skipping round 3. My body and spirit are humming in a different vibration now. I am noticing more, experiencing more joy, & really appreciating this body I have been given to live in. 

To have a beautiful space to gather in every week, where we laugh, cry, dance & express is truly priceless. 

Emily R.

I am still mind-blown and deeply touched by the awe-inspiring, beautiful, courageous wild expressions of all the women that came together last night to celebrate each other in the ´womb with a view´@soma_sanctum. 

Thank you thank you thank you @arantxa.joseph for what you do and who you are. 


Celebrating this exquisitely beautiful harmonious opportunity for women you are offering here Arantxa. 

I love your attuned generous invitation into exploring all the weaves and dimensions of self expression and I feel your joy and lovely welcome 🤗 I recommend Arantxa wholeheartedly having been blessed witnessing her graceful presence and generous nature holding space for everyone´s self expression and dance in life connecting with each other with generosity, loving acceptance and joy! 💃💃💃💃


Dance, my main embodiment practice

Throughout the years I have observed this phenomenon of transformation taking place in front of my very eyes, within myself & with the people that come to learn with me about dance and movement.

Dance (and specifically West African dance) has been a tool that balances the mind body connection.

About Me Arantxa

Feeling good in the body is synonymous to pleasure & it involves all of our senses & this dance practice is the tool that has allowed me to connect to and cultivate my pleasure.

With it, I have learnt about body awareness, full body arousal, about connecting to my sensual, er0tic & s.exual expression & allow myself to be seen.
Since 2001, every week we join together in person to dance. To move, to connect, to express parts of ourselves we do not usually find the time and place to do so and to reflect on what we are experiencing and learning, individually and collectively.

I see my student’s confidence develop, their physical skills, their strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, their sense of achievement grow and expand & I observe how they too discover giving expression to their feelings and emotions through movement.

The joy & liberation that comes with it is so rewarding for all involved.

During the last years, I’ve been integrating what I’ve learnt about embodiment from a somatic & scientific perspective, what happens to our nervous systems when we engage in movement, breath and sound, how important safety is in supporting the body to open up and blossom, as we dance and move together, celebrating our gains and being compassionate witnesses to each other.

…How dancing together allows us to feel a sense of belonging, of community and how practicing these dances keeps this spirit alive. It’s inclusive, & it’s about expressing yourself with all that you are and seeing yourself mirrored in others as they too express themselves in their true essence.

Dancing with me is an opportunity to remember that Your unique essence IS an expression of Life Intelligence at large. So, welcome to contact me for more info on this offer.