About me

Discovering Your True Self through Conscious Intimate Engagement

Introducing Arantxa

Introducing Arantxa, a mesmerizing fusion of artistic prowess, maternal warmth, and linguistic finesse. A virtuoso of movement, she effortlessly transitions between the roles of dancer, singer, and performing artist, all while nurturing three vibrant souls as a devoted mother.

Fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, she paints her world with a vibrant tapestry of cultural richness and diversity. Yet, her canvas extends beyond the stage and into the realm of holistic healing.

I cultivate a deep passion for teaching others how to connect to their body, to their natural joy and erotic expression, and have been facilitating groups for the last 20 years, guiding with empathy, compassion, lightness, curiosity and a strong sense of grounding.

Empowering Your Erotic Journey

Being a mother of three, and having struggled myself with not prioritizing my own pleasure in life, I am called to share what I have learnt on my own journey and show you how it is possible to grow and transform into an erotically gifted being even after years of self neglect. In my work I encourage others to give themselves permission to connect to the parts of themselves that are fully alive, where their deepest truth and wisdom reside, cultivating a healthy relationship to Eros, Life force Intelligence.

Together we practice giving that expression more space, more expansiveness, a sense of belonging, which in turn will guide you to step into your unique embodied truth and ultimately get your life into alignment with your values.

Arantxa Joseph - About me

This work is not just about the SEX

This work is not just about the pleasure (although it’s a very important part of it)  but more to do with reclaiming the affluence of feelings and emotions you have access to when getting your sexual needs met. And what that actually means to you, is immensely PROFOUND and transformative.

Arantxa Joseph - About me

Arantxa is currently part the Core Organisational Team & Faculty of the IRHS  & a Somatic Sex Education 3rd year student. Her journey is a testament to her relentless pursuit of mastery in the art of body-centred personal growth.

Arantxa’s essence pulsates with an unbridled passion for facilitating transformative journeys. Through the prism of Laban Creative Dance and West African Dance, she invites others to delve into the depths of their being, to unearth the dormant wellsprings of joy and erotic expression. Her teachings transcend movement, serving as gateways to the sacred chambers.

Welcome to My World of Transformation and Healing

Dance Arantxa

So, It is through practicing conscious sexual engagement, with yourself and others, that you can actually become aware of who you really are. And in that process you can clear the patterns, the conditionings, the fears, the pain…… and ultimately liberate yourself from all the cultural, social, religious chains that have kept you and the rest of us bound to smallness, reclaiming unapologetically, your supreme life of fulfillment and pleasure.

I will support you In this process of inquiring into your sexuality, of deconstructing tabus, unwinding shame of unpacking inherited conditionings that consequently will lead you to embracing your birthright to a pleasure filled life and celebrate all of the magnificent sex that comes along with it!

Through Conscious touch and somatic practices, which combine the most recent discoveries of scientific studies with ancestral and modern embodiment practices, such as Taoism, I will teach you innovative skills and strategies that will guide you home to your authentic erotic expression.

I want all mothers, fathers, non-binary folk, couples and singles to KNOW that it is through practice that we can embody anything that we want. Great Sex is learnt and I am here to teach you what you need to know in order to thrive in and out of the bedroom.

Ready to join me?

I am called to share what I have learnt on my own journey and show you how it is possible to grow and transform into an erotically gifted being even after years of self neglect.

About me

Certifications & Membership

The Institute for Relational Harmony Studies logo
Journey of Discovery

Embracing Sexuality and Confronting Challenges Together

Since 2017 I have been researching deeper into my sexuality, breaking through many taboos and embracing my birth right to a thriving sex life. I had done much of this work within groups of women, mixed groups as well as one-on-one Sexological Bodywork Sessions.

Working within groups of women was a real eye opener for me. What really shook me was how many had been sexually abused. I witnessed women reliving traumatizing experiences and I felt that they weren’t receiving the care and support that they needed and deserved from their facilitators. I found the same in the mixed group sessions, and although my personal experiences were positive, I was left feeling lost and had nowhere to turn to for help with integration. So I took a year-long break to reflect upon my experiences.

Whether it’s sexual shame you want to heal, expand your pleasure possibilities beyond mind and body, or deepen your erotic expression, I warmly welcome you on this path.

Arantxa Joseph

Journeying Towards Healing

My Evolution into a Trauma-Informed Somatic Sexologist

I later became trauma-informed, sex and pleasure-positive Somatic Sexologist, who has a strong foundational practice in embodied consent and boundaries.

I am also dedicated to my own embodiment as well as the health and wellness of the community I belong to. I bring my own unique gifts to this work and am committed to continued learning, ethical practice and collaborations with like minded professionals that defend doing this work with the utmost integrity.

What other people say…


Curious to know about other’s experiences of working with me?

Working with Arantxa has been a magical journey of self reclamation. Through working together, I have been able to experience new aspects of myself and my sexuality. Arantxa holds incredibly nurturing and safe space and I’m grateful to have given myself this gift – sex education as I believe it should be.


Arantxa made my first experience of sexual bodywork very beautiful. I felt warmly welcomed and understood what I’m coming for. Her clarity of what she can offer to me and the fact that she left me many choices of how I want to work, made me feel very comfortable. I feel she is highly professional in what she’s offering, a beautiful and shiny vibration to be surrounded by and most of all, she made me feel super safe. I can highly recommend to work with her. Thank you Arantxa.


My growth in this process, in your guidance and support, is a pivot in my life, going through my days now.
You are providing me with just the right doses of professionalism mixed with sensitivity and gentleness. I’m so happy I had the foresight and confidence to drink this potion. I don’t know how long this will be going on and how much is still awaiting to be learnt but you have already helped melting some critical layers of my shell to help me feel myself closer and allow myself to be more exposed. Just felt the call to send you this.

Such important work. Arantxa is an amazing professional, authentic, trustworthy, beautiful person who lives and works from the heart, and whose sessions aI can highly recommend. If you want to go on a deep intimate journey with your self, being held in a safe space and feel listened to and seen, I would not doubt to book a session with this body-wise human being.
Thank you Arantxa for bringing this work into the world.

Amina Petra